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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

matriculate: Word of the Day Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Tuesday, May 11, 2010

matriculate \muh-TRIK-yuh-leyt\, verb:

1. To enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree.
2. To register (a coat of arms), used esp. in Scottish heraldry.

"In Mr. White's current role as dean of students, he has worked closely with students, parents and alumni of Saint John's, as well as administrators and athletic directors from other surrounding schools," school official s said in the announcement. "White's commitment to the concept of the 'student-athlete' will serve our students well as they matriculate to college, while his commitment to character formation will serve our students well as they prepare for life."
-- Joan Goodchild, New athletic director takes reins at St. John's High School, The Community of Advocate of Massachusetts
It was true that there was a difference in the regulations applicable to these two institutions; but the difference was more apparent than real; there was little difference in fact. In the University of Cambridge, persons might matriculate without subscribing to the Thirty-nine Articles, or without (he believed) taking the Oath of Supremacy.
-- Thomas C. Hansard, Parliamentary debates: official report, 1834

Matriculate derives from the Latin matrix, "list".

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