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warped, ppl. a. | SECOND EDITION 1989 |
(wpt) [f. WARP v. + -ED1.]
1. Bent, contorted, or twisted out of shape.
c1460 Promp. Parv. (Winch.) 517/1 Warpyd, or auylonge.
a1547 SURREY Æneis II. 229 The god that they by sea had brought In warped keles [L.
curvis carinis].
1589 [
Pappe w. Hatchet Biiij, Ile make his braines so hot, that they shall..rattle in his warpt skull, like pepper in a dride bladder.
1604 MARSTON Malcontent V. iii. H2b, Hauing a red beard and a paire of warpt legges.
1706 E. WARD Wooden World Diss. (1708) 72 A warp'd Piece of Plank.
1798 COLERIDGE Anc. Mar. VII. iv, The planks look warp'd.
1813 SCOTT Rokeby II. xiv, Now to the oak's warped roots he clings.
1876 R. BROUGHTON Joan I. xxx, Under the warped door..comes the iced blast.
1888 JACOBI Printers' Vocab.,
Warped cut, woodcuts twisted through dampness, generally caused by improper cleansing or storing.
fig. 1602 DEKKER Satirom. I.4, Were thy warpt soule put in a new molde, Ide weare thee as a Iewell set in golde.
1771 SMOLLETT Humph. Cl., To Dr. Lewis 2 June, A good sort of a man, though most ridiculously warped in his political principles.
1830 D'ISRAELI Chas. I, III. iv. 48 The warped suggestions of the writer are perpetually supplying the absence of all real knowledge.
1875 JOWETT Plato (ed. 2) IV. 245 He has resorted to..dishonesty and falsehood, and become warped and distorted.
b. Mining. (See quot.)
1886 J. BARROWMAN Sc. Mining Terms 70
Warped, irregularly bedded, or plicated.
2. That has cast its young prematurely.
a1722 LISLE Husb. (1757) 283 The warped cows.
3. Enriched with alluvial warp.
1799 A. YOUNG Agric. Lincoln. 284 At Reeveness warped land has sold for £100 an acre.
1842 C. W. JOHNSON Farmer's Encycl. 1229 Warped lands are found capable of growing most kinds of crops in great plenty.
1878 RAMSAY Phys. Geog. xxxiii. 577 The broad warped meadows.
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