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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today's Word: sojourn

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Fire Escape Partners
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(intransitive verb, noun)
[SOE-jurn] Play Word

intransitive verb

[also: soe�JURN]

1. to reside for a brief period of time; a short stay: "I'd love to sojourn at the beach house before flying to Chicago."


2. a temporary stay: "I'm sorry the rain put a damper on your sojourn on the island last weekend."

other noun form: sojourner

Before 1300; from Old French, 'sojorner': to stay for a time; from Vulgar Latin, 'subdiurnare': to spend the day (from Latin, 'sub': under + 'diurnus': of a day).

In Action:
"The controversy over 'Cyclo' made it harder for Mr. Tran to get approval from the authorities to shoot 'The Vertical Ray of the Sun.' But after a year's sojourn in Vietnam, Mr. Tran got the necessary authorization, and when the film was completed, showed it successfully in Vietnam."

Laura Winters. 'Darkness Camouflaged By Hanoi's Seductive Sun,' The New York Times: Arts (July 1, 2001).

"We consciously take on lots of risk, believing that for experienced and Foolish investors, high risk will lead to high reward.

That says it, short and sweet. To maximize your long-term returns (which regular Fools know as our second principle), you will live through lots of volatility. This is exactly why Rule Breaker investing isn't for everyone, and in fact, isn't for most people. You have to understand your companies, you have to have a high tolerance for risk, and you have to be investing money that you won't need for any other purpose for at least five years, preferably decades.

This comes as old hat to those of us who have watched eBay's sojourn in our BreakerPort waters. Having bought the stock at $100 at the end of February, we have watched it double, then dive into the red (!), then leap back to its present gain of 54%."

David Gardner. 'Weapons Against Chaos: Ownership, and its benefits,' The Motley Fool (September 14, 1999).

Tune in tomorrow for: NIDUS

© 2007 Fire Escape Partners, Inc.

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Learnt a lot from vicissitudes of life, I am a student of life, A work in progress, currently(sic) an overweight body but a beautiful mind, Another human seeking happiness. I believe in sharing and absorbing wisdom irrespective of the source. (aa no bhadraa kratavo...)