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Sunday, August 1, 2010

prognosticate: Word of the Day Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Sunday, August 1, 2010

prognosticate \prog-NOS-ti-keyt\, verb:

1. To forecast or predict (something future) from present indications or signs; prophesy.
2. To provide an indication of future events through actions or signs.

While it's too early to prognosticate if soccer can work its way into the upper echelon of sports in the U.S., the game certainly is riding a high.
-- Greg Cavanaugh, "Football at Fenway Perfect Fit for 2010 Summer of Soccer," The New England Sports Network, July 2010.
This task was accordingly undertaken by the lame lieutenant, who, among other paragraphs, read that which follows, with an elevation of voice which seemed to prognosticate something extraordinary: ' We are informed, that admiral Bower will very soon be created a British peer, for his eminent services during the war, particularly in his late engagement with the French fleet.'
-- Tobias George Smollett, The adventures of Peregrine Pickle

Prognosticate derives from the Latin prognōsticāre, "to tell the future."

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"Caftans" and "tallitot" — Who wore what at the Clinton/Mezvinsky wedding & what it means

The nuptials of Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky focus attention on the surprising history of some great words and attire: fuchsia, tuxedo, yarmulke, and more. The groom, who is Jewish, wore a tallit and a yarmulke. A tallit is a shawl-like garment usually made from wool or silk. It has fringes, called zizith, at the four corners....
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1 comment:

  1. What's most important about the tallit isn't actually the tallit, though - that's what you see first.

    wool tallit



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