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Monday, September 20, 2010

Special announcement: Now there are one million linguaphiles!

 Wordsmith.orgThe Magic of Words 

As a computer science grad student in 1994 when I started what would become, I had no idea that one day I'd be typing this. This month subscribership of A.Word.A.Day has crossed one million (from Italian millione "great thousand", from Latin mille "thousand"). Welcome, one millionth subscriber Barbara Robertson of West Covina, California.

It has been many years, much has changed, but I enjoy exploring words and sharing their stories with you as much as that first day. And going by this milestone, it seems you too enjoy it (and tell your friends about it).

Here are some interesting facts and figures:

Number of subscribers: 1,000,749

Number of countries and territories represented: 217

Number of top-level-domains represented: 225
(see distribution by domain)

Number of individual pieces of email sent: 2.2 billion

Number of unique words sent: 4,183

Length of longest word featured: 45 letters

Length of shortest words featured: 2 letters
(aa, os, rx)

Word featured most often: 4 times (1994, 1996, 2003, 2006)

Subscriber who has been with us the longest with the same email address: Patrice S. Fox, Texas (since 1995)

Highest number of gift subscriptions sent: 4736 (Thank you, Dante V. Ferraro!)
(also check out a graph of gift subscriptions by domain (who sent to whom))

Longest email address on the list: 251 characters (Tom Trottier)
( AT
[earlier he had an even longer, a 333-character address]

Shortest address on the list: 6 characters (Rajjesh Mittal)
(r AT

Longest domain name: 34 characters

Logarithmic timeline of subscriber growth:

1: Mar 1994
10: Mar 1994
100: Mar 1994
1000: Mar 1994
10000: Apr 1995
100000: Feb 1998
1000000: Sep 2010

We are grateful to all subscribers who have joined us. Thanks for being here! You are what makes

Also a tip of the hat to the people who help bring the daily AWAD: Todd Derr, Carolanne Reynolds, Christy Cox, Stuti Garg, and Eric Shackle (who recently retired at 91).

Happy words to you,

Anu Garg
(words at

Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination. -Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (1889-1951)

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Learnt a lot from vicissitudes of life, I am a student of life, A work in progress, currently(sic) an overweight body but a beautiful mind, Another human seeking happiness. I believe in sharing and absorbing wisdom irrespective of the source. (aa no bhadraa kratavo...)