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Thursday, July 8, 2010

sibylline: Word of the Day Word of the Day

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Word of the Day for Thursday, July 8, 2010

sibylline \SIB-uh-leen\, adjective:

1. Prophetic; oracular.
2. Of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
3. Mysterious; cryptic.

OPN, an American actually called Daniel Lopatin, has been around since 2006 and already amassed a ton of loop-based otherworldly music pieces released under an array of suitably sibylline monikers.
-- Thomas Corlin, "Interview: Oneohtrix Point Never",
The response, by the bye, was of the true sibylline stamp,—nonsensical in its first aspect, yet on closer study unfolding a variety of interpretations, one of which has certainly accorded with the event.
-- Nathanial Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance

Sibylline derives from the Greek Sibylla, any of several prophetesses consulted by ancient Greeks and Romans, of uncertain origin.

What is soft about a soft drink? What does soda have to do with sodium?

Some call it soda. Others say soft drink, fizzy drink, soda pop, or just plain-old pop. There is no right word for the sweet carbonated beverage, although it would be wrong not to know the linguistic background behind the bubbles. A much-discussed soda ban in Los Angeles schools has increased our thirst. For knowledge, that...
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