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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today's Word: garner

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Fire Escape Partners
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(transitive verb, noun)
[GAWR-nahr] Play Word

transitive verb

1. to gather into storage, as in a granary

2. to acquire or accumulate something; reap: "Amelia was able to garner the support of several key professors in college, and they helped her get into an excellent graduate school."


3. a granary (storehouse for grain or animal feed)

4. a collection of something; an accumulation

Before 1325; from Middle English, 'gerner': granary; borrowed from Old French, 'gernier,' variant of 'grenier': storehouse; from Latin, 'granarium': granary, from 'granum': grain.

In action:
"During the years he was off the air, Frank's fiercely loyal listeners found each other in fan-run Web sites and organized electronic swap meets of bootleg cassettes...

Frank has also garnered a broad Hollywood following. Filmmakers Michael Mann, David Fincher and Ivan Reitman have all optioned or bought stories from the Frank apocrypha. Francis Ford Coppola, who listens to the show in San Francisco, was signed on to produce a series of Frank stories for HBO, with the appropriately dark Fincher ('Seven,' 'Fight Club") directing, a project that never came to fruition. Frank was ultimately paid handsomely by producers of a Hollywood film (which he won't name) that plagiarized his dialogue, but there has never been a real Frank feature film. The four shorts made for the Playboy Channel in the mid-'80s don't even approximate the power of his radio shows. He is currently writing a screenplay for William Friedkin, which he laments is taking him away from his obligations to his radio audience."

Susan Emerling. "Public Radio's Bad Dream: Joe Frank conjures up the nightmares that 'This American Life' and 'A Prairie Home Companion' have when they go home at night." (March 7, 2000).

"Friends, the soil is poor, we must sow seeds in plenty
for us to garner even modest harvests."

Novalis [Friedrich Von Hardenberg] (1772-1801). German novelist, philosopher, poet. Bl�thenstaub (Pollen), opening motto (1798).

"Even the dullest costume can be tarted up at Girlprops (33 East 8th Street), where the specialty is accessories that, while drenched in glamour, rarely crack the $10 ceiling. Any number of bejeweled bracelets and necklaces are for sale, including a tasteful if sparkly star on a chain for $6.99; a mere $4.99 garners a zodiac pendant similarly done up in fake diamonds. Those old nightlife stalwarts, the feather boa and the fishnet stocking, are $7.99 and $4.99 respectively."

Lynn Yaeger. "The Glitterati: Cheap Sparkle for the New Year," The Village Voice (December 25 - 31, 2002).

Tune in tomorrow for: PURSUANCE

© 2007 Fire Escape Partners, Inc.

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Learnt a lot from vicissitudes of life, I am a student of life, A work in progress, currently(sic) an overweight body but a beautiful mind, Another human seeking happiness. I believe in sharing and absorbing wisdom irrespective of the source. (aa no bhadraa kratavo...)