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Friday, June 11, 2010

Today's Word: persnickety

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Fire Escape Partners
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[pahr-SNIK-i-tee] Play Word

1. characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details; overparticular: "I can't believe that you scored so well in Mr. Rahtner's class--he is as persnickety as they come!"

2. snobbish or pretentious

3. requiring great care and strict attention to detail: "If my next job is half as persnickety as this job, I predict I'll only last a few months before my precarious mental state declines even further."

noun form: persnicketiness

Approximately 1905; alteration of English, 'pernickety'; of uncertain Scottish origin.

In action:
"C. O. Bigelow Chemists, 414 Avenue of the Americas (Ninth Street) [NYC], began offering FlavoRx last fall, a service that spikes unappetizing medicines with one of 40 flavorings for $5. The menu includes orange Creamsicle, coffee, chocolate coconut and tangerine. Now, the pharmacy is extending the service to finicky pets, with beef, chicken and liver flavors for dogs and cats, pi�a colada for birds, kiwi for iguanas and fish for ferrets. Those with persnickety livestock can pick from alfalfa and clover for cows and horses, and cherry-anise for that obstinate sow who will not eat a bite."

Tony Cenicola. "Personalization: From Bland to Name Brand," The New York Times (February 24, 2002).

"The world's best hog callers gather in Weatherford, Oklahoma, Saturday for a hootin' and hollerin', hog-wild time. Between 100 and 135 children and adults are expected to participate in the 10th Annual World Championship Hog-Calling Contest.

Contestants are judged on loudness, originality, sincerity, and octave range, among other things. Hollerers typically mix lots of pig squeals with cries of 'sooey!'."

"Calling all persnickety porkers in Oklahoma," (March 1, 1997).

Have a wonderful weekend!

© 2007 Fire Escape Partners, Inc.

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